Page 5 - 제28회 영산재 카다로그
P. 5

Season of youngsanje has come this year too without fail.
What we are doing Memorial Day on June 6 every year, the ceremony of
youngsanje is a cultural heritage, one of most important of Buddhism way which
pray for world peace and showing way to enlighten of moksa
Therefore, I can say youngsanje has been grown to the world as a one of culture
of the world, became a intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO, emerged in the
people’s daily like along with playing of youngsanje which is the ceremony of
Buddhism, during last quarter of the century.
Originally, youngsanje was a ritual ceremony to show how Buddha was giving
lecture of SADDHARMA PUNDARIKA(the sutra of the lotus) to the people at
youngchuk mountain
Especially, SADDHARMA PUNDARIKA is teaching to the people how to live
happily and peacefully without pain out of misknowledge and ignorance.
Therefore the ceremony of youngsanje leads to enter the buddhahood(NIRVANA)
to save and bring the people to the enlightenment through‘play’
This is same to what we are doing actions to‘peace of human being’overcome
through different religion and country, as youngsanje as practical play of
SADDHARMA PUNDARIKA to make that transcendentalization into one of art.
To keep theory of youngsanje, we are preparing to visit 16 countries where they
were attended to help us for our Korean war and spread our ceremony starting
from Thailand.
Lastly, I thank again all of you who were helping for preparation of this regular
ceremony of 28th. May attain the buddhahood for all of your family.
Thank you all.

                                                    (Ven.) Suk Sun-AM, Chairman
                                                    Yeongsanje Preservation Association

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